
Chadron State Park Superintendent Leaving


After nearly 10 years serving Chadron at Chadron State Park, Superintendent Gregg Galbraith has decided it is time to move closer to home and take his talents to a new park. 

Starting in August, Galbraith will be moving to fill the Superintendent III position at Rock Creek Station near Fairbury.

Although excited for what his future entails, Galbraith says he will miss many things about Chadron, especially the great people and community. 

Gregg has worked over 30 years with the Game and Parks commission within the parks division. Gregg started his career at Pawnee State Recreation Area which shortly after, was promoted to the Groundskeeper Supervisor at E.T. Mahoney State Park. He then went to Platte River State Park as the Assistant Superintendent for over 13 years. Gregg then became the Superintendent at Chadron State Park for an additional 10 years. 

Ever since coming to Chadron, Galbraith has seen and contributed to many improvements at Chadron State Park. Most notably better and improved roads, along with improved and remodeled cabins and shelters. He also helped orchestrate the Park’s centennial party that became a great success and has seen a big turnout every year since then. The new sign that welcomes you to the park was also the work of Galbraith along with one of his best employees. He added various activities including the shooting range, sled hill, and archery range.

As of early July, according to Galbraith, Chadron State Park’s Josh May will plan to hold his duties after he leaves. May’s current position will then be opened and published for someone to fill soon.