March 14, 2023 5:30 pm Legend Buttes Golf Course Clubhouse
- Call to Order / Roll Call – Mayor Tom Phillips
- Pledge of Allegiance
- A copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the wall in the Legend Buttes Golf Course Club House. It is also available in pamphlet form
- Approval of Minutes of February 28, 2023 Council Meeting
- Reports
Ponderosa Villa
Golf (Leeling)
Park (Grant)
Hospital (Leeling)
SWANN (Norman)
NNDC (Grant)
Chamber of Commerce
- Approve/disapprove resignation of Council member, Zac Riggs
- Discuss/approve/disapprove applications for: Assistant Grounds Keepers (Golf course) – Fred Kruse and Douglas Williams/Returning seasonal employees; Pool Manager – Buffy Hourt/Returning seasonal employee
- Discuss/approve/disapprove request by 4-H club to replace Crawford sign by tourist booth that blew down as a service project. Sign will be replaced with a barn quilt block sign painted by the 4-H members.
- Discuss/approve/disapprove Crawford Transportation grant
- David Nixon discuss CRA (Community Redevelopment Authority)
- Pass a resolution on the No Smoking policy for City Employees and Volunteers
- Discuss/approve/disapprove hiring a structural engineer
- Discuss/approve/disapprove new contract from the bid from Stump Sanitation
- Report from Elmer Wilson regarding Legend Buttes Golf Course
- Approve bills and claims, requisition orders and transfers
- Adjournment