
CSC Introducing Next President Today At 2:30


     We will find out this afternoon who will be the 12th president of Chadron State College. Nebraska State College System Chancellor Paul Turman and several members of the Board of Trustees will introduce the next president at a 2:30 news conference in the Student Center Ballroom.

     The 4 finalists for the post all made campus visits earlier this month that included interviews with the trustees. 

     The finalists are Nebraska State College System Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr Jodi Kupper, Northern Iowa Dean of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences Dr John Fritch,  North Alabama Vice President of Diversity Dr Ron Patterson, and University of Mississippi Dean of Students and Assistant Vice Chancellor Dr Brent Marsh.

     Chancellor Turman and the new president are scheduled to give brief remarks at the news conference, then answer questions. It will  be available on Zoom so that Chadron State alumni and supporters around the world can take part.