
CSC Welcomes New Students This Week


By Sydney Brown, Public Information Specialist

Members of CSC athletic teams help new residents move in to High Rise during New Student Orientation. (Photo by Daniel Binkard/Chadron State College)

Chadron State College will welcome new students with a series of events, beginning Thursday and continuing through the first week of classes.

The move-in activities begin on Thursday, as students check into their assigned residence halls beginning at 9:30 a.m. During this time, students can collect their room keys and housing packets.

To add convenience, food trucks will be available on campus from noon to 2 p.m.

On Thursday, from 1 – 2 p.m., Eagle Leaders will lead campus tours to help students locate their classrooms. A special Q&A session for first-generation students will be at 2 p.m. in Old Admin, with a separate session for parents.

CSC Alumni are encouraged to attend the Alumni Social located in the Mari Sandoz Heritage Center Atrium from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

The day will culminate with a welcome picnic from 4 – 6 p.m. east of the Student Center, followed by live music and activities at Bands on Bordeaux at 6 p.m. Located at Railroad Park (1st Street and Main in Chadron), the outdoor venue will feature activities for all ages. A free shuttle service will be available for students and families at the 10th Street bus stop near Kent Hall.

Friday, students can attend a meet-and-greet with their Eagle Mentor from 9 โ€“ 10:30 a.m., featuring breakfast snacks and refreshments at the tent east of the Student Center.

A second opportunity for campus tours will be offered from 1 โ€“ 2 p.m., with students advised to bring their schedules to the Lindeken Clock Tower.

The Convocation Celebration, featuring President Ron K. Patterson, the CSC Eagle Drum Line, and Chadron State Spirit, will take place from 3:30 – 5 p.m. on the lawn north of the King Library. Faculty, staff, alumni, and community members are invited and encouraged to join in welcoming the class of 2028. A class photo with President Patterson will follow.

Also on Friday, President Patterson will host a BBQ from 5 – 7 p.m. in the tent east of the Student Center. The day will conclude with a session on alcohol awareness and health, presented by hypnotist Rob Hackenson Jr., from 7 – 9 p.m. in the Student Center.

The activities will continue Saturday with a required session for new students on safety and resources at 10:30 a.m. in the Student Center Ballroom.

Students will also have free access to Chadron State Parkโ€™s swimming pool, paddle boats, and indoor pellet gun and archery range from noon to 5 p.m.

Sunday, the weekend will wrap up with a pool party at the Aquatic Center from noon to 3 p.m., where students should bring their Eagle Card for entry.

Classes will begin on Monday and additional Welcome Week activities will follow. Some of these activities include Uptown on Campus, an event that is open to the public where local businesses and organizations introduce students to community resources in the Student Center, and CSCโ€™s annual carnival in the Backyard.