
Dawes County Declares All County Roads As Impassable And Extremely Dangerous


     Dawes County Highway Superintendent Wade Yada says despite the best efforts of his crews, winds keep rebuilding drifts in many areas shortly after they’ve been plowed.

      Because of that, Dawes County is declaring all county roads as impassable and extremely dangerous and is asking that no one try to travel during the current blizzard conditions with high winds and blowing drifting snow.

    Yada asks for patience from rural residents, disappointedly admitting that despite all the hard work being put in, it will be another couple days before all Dawes County roads are reopened – some with just one lane to get to others as soon as possible.

       Yada says snow plows will continue to remove snow and widen roads for the next 3 days, but that residents who go out and try to travel on county roads could find themselves stranded for long periods of time.

     Yada reminds drivers who do have to go out, such as ranchers needing to feed livestock, to use extreme caution on all roads since conditions can change from bare pavement to drifts by just rounding a curve.

15 thoughts on “Dawes County Declares All County Roads As Impassable And Extremely Dangerous”

  1. Because of this extreme weather event, will the county (in the near future) be assisting rural residents who need help in clearing their drifted driveways to get out? My tractor is just not capable of clearing this unusual depth of snow. Thank you!

  2. Linda Hollibaugh, seriously? How many county roads have YOU opened during the middle of an epic, how many days long now, blizzard? Do you even have any idea of the DANGER the county guys are in? I suspect that maybe you do, but you just don’t care about anyone other than yourself.

  3. It is interesting that the county road leading to Mr. Yada’s house is plowed right up to his turn off. None of the road beyond that point has been touched despite being a heavily used road.

  4. I’d like to thank Mr. Yada and his crews for being out in these dangerous conditions at all. That goes for the State crews, the HPs, police, EMTs and firemen, hospital employees and Doctors, and utility companies personnel who are out there in these horrible conditions. Maybe we need to focus on that rather than a bit of inconvenience!

  5. Sue Scottsman, I find it interesting that in a blizzard where there is no travel Advised you are able to go out and check on Mr. Yada, putting not only yourself but others in danger. I also find it interesting that you feel the need to comment on something you know absolutely nothing about. Did it ever occur to you that someone that lives out there plowed it with their own equipment, and it was not the County? If you had someone you loved that worked for the County Roads department I assure you wouldn’t have wanted them to put their lives in danger.

  6. I for one want to applaud ALL the county and city workers, the HVAC, electricians, plumbers, and anyone else who has been busting their bums to keep the rest of us safe. It’s not an easy job with something like this blizzard. The folks out there who have been plowing nonstop for days just to have start all over again because the wind isn’t cooperating. A lot of us don’t realize they have been out in this cold and wind, instead of being able to be home safe and warm. It’s things like this that should bring us all some gratitude and empathy for those that are out in this weather 16- 24 hours nonstop. So…to all of you that are paid or unpaid, volunteering or not, thank you!

  7. Ranita and Michele have said it well. A thank-you to all those out there dealing with an unprecedented situation, including those who are just helping out neighbors.

  8. There always has to be someone who thinks they can do it better, but will never volunteer to do anything or run for office. Our people are doing a great job with what they for weather.

  9. Big kudos to ALL our road workers and helpers who are doing their best to help. This was a major storm-well forecast, by the way. Thanks also to our local radio station and you people there keeping us updated. I for one am very glad to live here where everyone pitches in to help when needed. Thanks, again, we know there is still much work ahead.

  10. The county never mowed the side of our roads last summer so our roads drifted in worse because of it. Also, our shoulders never get pulled so we have banks up to 4 feet high on each side of the road creating a tunnel that drifted snow builds up worse. I know this was an extreme blizzard due to the days of wind, but maybe if more work was done in the summer it wouldn’t be as big of job.

  11. Thank you so much for your hard work .Most of the post have been thanking the city
    guys for all the work they have done. I would like to also thank my neighbors for checking on me things like this come along and we fined out what a great town we live in . I lived in Rapid and people didn’t care like they do here so when you see fit to complain remember it could be worse. Thanks again everyone.

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