
Fire Helicopter Training And Certification Today At Hot Springs And Angostura Reservoir


      South Dakota Wildland Fire is conducting its annual wildland fire helicopter recertification with the South Dakota National Guard Aviation Unit today at Angostura Reservoir. 

   The yearly certification required by the USDA and the Dept of the Interior allows South Dakota National Guard Black Hawk helicopters to respond to wildland fires. 

      Flight operations training will take place at a base located at the Hot Springs airport with choppers dipping water buckets in Angostura Reservoir on the east end of Sheps Canyon

     Recreational users are advised to stay clear of these areas between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm, and drone operators should not fly in that area during the training exercise. 

     Officials say the helicopter flight operations and the training exercise will be shut down if a drone is flying in the area.