Halloween is such a fun “treat” for our youth. The Chadron Police Department wishes everyone a happy, fun, and above all, safe Halloween.
We offer these tips for Parents, Trick-Or-Treaters, Homeowners and Motorists to ensure everyone has a safe and fun experience.
- Always escort your young children and carry a flashlight.
- Be familiar with the neighborhood where your children will be trick-or-treating.
- Always know who is trick-or-treating with your children.
- Walk on the sidewalks. If there is no sidewalk, walk along the left curb facing oncoming traffic.
- Instruct your children NEVER to enter any homes.
- Stay in well-lit areas.
- Inspect all treats before allowing children to eat them.
- Choose fireproof costumes made of light-colored material so they can be easily seen in the dark.
- Dress your children in appropriate fitting costumes to avoid tripping and snagging.
- Consider placing reflective or glow in the dark tape on your children’s costumes.
- Avoid allowing children to wear masks, hats, or other headgear which could restrict their vision.
- Avoid having children carry replica firearms, swords, or toys which can be mistaken for the real thing.
- Teach children their home and/or parent’s cellular phone number or 911 in case they get lost.
- Do not trick-or-treat by yourself. Stay in a group.
- If props are carried, they should be made of soft rubber, Styrofoam, or other pliable material.
- Do not take short cuts, especially through alleys.
- Obey all traffic signals and look in all directions when crossing the street.
- Walk! Do not run to your intended destination and don’t dart in and out of cars or driveways.
- If there are no side-walks stay as far left of the roadway as possible.
- Always assume the driver does not see you.
- Only trick-or-treat at homes with their porch light on.
- Never approach a vehicle offering candy.
- Wait until you get home before eating any treats.
- Turn on your porch light so children know it is all right to visit your home.
- If you are placing a Jack-O-Lantern on your porch, place a glow stick inside instead of a candle.
- Hand out only commercially wrapped candy.
- Never invite children into your home.
- Keep pets away from children.
- Maintain clear walkways that are free from obstruction.
- Drive slowly and cautiously.
- Look for children on the street, crossing driveways, and darting in between parked vehicles.
- Avoid using your cell phone while driving because it will cause a distraction
- Play your music at a reasonable volume so you can listen for potential children crossing your path.
- Never drink and drive.
Happy Halloween Everyone!