
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body


Mental health is a common discussion topic these days. As a society, we place importance not only on our physical well-being but also on our mental wellness.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to educating the public about mental health. One of its goals is to offer support to those who struggle with and work to erase the stigma of mental illnesses.

TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds SensiblySM), the nonprofit weight-loss support organization, with a “Real People. Real Weight Loss.®” philosophy, participates in the efforts surrounding Mental Health Awareness Month with a reminder that both physical and mental well-being play a role in a person’s weight loss journey.

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Obesity

Mental health and obesity are directly related; those with mental illnesses can experience obesity, and those who are obese or overweight can experience depression.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 80 percent of people with serious mental illnesses are overweight or obese. Some medications used to treat depression or anxiety can cause people to gain weight, but lack of exercise and a non-balanced diet are also culprits.

For example, those with depression can find waking up early to exercise or going to the grocery store to buy fresh fruits and vegetables almost impossible. Those with ADHD might struggle with snacking and impulsive eating.

On the other hand, those who are overweight or obese may have low self-esteem due to their appearance, which can make them feel inadequate and uncomfortable. This can lead to depression, anxiety, or other mental struggles.

Obesity also brings with it a higher risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, and even certain types of cancer. When you’re experiencing constant physical pain, it’s more difficult to maintain a healthy mindset.

Positive Effects of Losing Weight on Mental Health

While it may be more difficult for those with mental illness to lose weight, we all want to feel better – both physically and mentally. Our mental health improves when we work to lose weight.

When we start exercising regularly, our bodies release more endorphins, hormones that increase our sense of well-being. Eating well and regularly moving our bodies improves our physical health, boosting our self-esteem, confidence, and mood, while helping fight social anxiety and negative self-talk. Once we lose a few pounds, we feel empowered and optimistic to keep going.

However, our mental health can get worse when we go about losing weight in unhealthy ways. Activities like calorie restriction and excessive exercise cause us to feel more stressed and anxious.

Practices to Keep in Mind

The following are some mentally healthy practices to focus on when losing weight:

  • Set small and realistic goals. | When we achieve even the smallest goals, we are more confident to take the next step forward. Focus on one small goal at a time — try eating more fruits and vegetables or using the stairs instead of the elevator when going to and from work. Once you’ve mastered that, move on to the next goal of exercising for 30 minutes every day or eliminating take-out food from your eating plan.
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself. | Losing weight takes time, so it’s important to be patient if you’re not seeing immediate results. Keep going, and if you fall off track, forgive yourself and recommit. Tomorrow is another day.
  • Reward yourself. | Whenever you accomplish a goal (even a small one), reward yourself with something that doesn’t involve food. Go see a movie (and hold the popcorn) or have a spa day.
  • Join a supportive community. | Engaging in regular physical fitness and eating right is easier when you have the support of friends and family. Taking a walk or a fitness class with a friend helps keep you accountable. Eating healthy foods is a walk in the park when those around you eat well. If you’re looking for a local support system, find a TOPS chapter in your area and attend a meeting – you’ll meet others who will give you significant support and encouragement.

About TOPS®

TOPS Club Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is the original weight-loss support and wellness education organization. Founded in 1948, TOPS is the only nonprofit, noncommercial weight-loss organization of its kind. TOPS promotes successful weight management with a “Real People. Real Weight Loss.®” philosophy that combines support from others at weekly chapter meetings, healthy eating, regular exercise, and wellness information.

Today there are about 65,000 members, including men, women, and international members who join chapter meetings online, with thousands of chapters in all 50 states and Canada. TOPS also has an online program for people who might prefer that model or who live too far to attend in-person chapter meetings. Online resources include news and information from the health and inspirational community, meal planning ideas, workouts, chapter resources, and more.

Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. Membership is affordable, starting at $49 per year in the U.S. and $59 annually in Canada, plus nominal chapter fees. Join TOPS, visit, or call 800-932-8677 to learn more about TOPS and to find a local chapter.