
History Nebraska Boss Stepping Down July 1


Trevor Jones

     History Nebraska executive director and CEO Trevor Jones has resigned after 6 years, effective July 1st. 

      Jones announced his decision in a message to staff, saying he’d talked with his wife about what was “truly important” and concluded it was time to take on new challenges – adding that “I don’t know what will come next, but I look forward to finding out.”

      Jones said he’d decided to leave “while still doing my best work” and that he’s proud of what he and History Nebraska have accomplished – calling a “stronger, more engaging, and more relevant organization than ever before.

      His tenure has seen major changes, including a name change from the Nebraska State Historical Society and the creation of a new foundation after he clashed with the existing foundation.

       History Nebraska has digitized millions of historic records and launched new programs while seeing attendance and earned income increase dramatically. The agency’s budget and staff size have also increased during Jones’ 6 years.

      His management style rubbed some longtime staffers the wrong way while some of his changes upset both staffers and longtime Historical Society supporters.