
It’s Flag Day


     Today is Flag Day, not a legal holiday but a holiday nonetheless as it celebrates the day in 1778 that the Continental Congress adopted a flag for the nation with 13 red and white stripes and 13 white stars on a field of blue. 

     To mark Flag Day, Crawford American Legion Post #138 is holding a Flag Retirement Ceremony this afternoon at 1:00. 

    The United States Code stipulates, “When a U.S. flag is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning” 

      During an American Legion ceremony, participants stand in two parallel rows about 20 feet apart, facing each other and with a small fire between them, opposite the Legion commander. 

    The flags are presented to the commander for a ceremonial inspection, followed by a color guard presenting the colors and a chaplain offering prayers. 

     As the crowd salutes, the flag detail dips the retired flags into a flammable liquid, then puts them on a rack over the fire as a bugler sounds “To the Colors.”

     The Crawford legion will also co-host a Meet-and-Greet at 5:30 in the Cameco Building in City Park that also includes the Old West Trail Rodeo, Brickhouse Emporium, and 2nd Street Bakery.

        The gathering will include a free-will donation Burger Burn, Business News, and Flag Etiquette.