
Kimball LB 840 Extension Set For June 13 Election


     Kimball residents will vote June 13th in a special election on reauthorizing the city’s half-cent LB 840 economic development sales tax.

The current LB 840 tax expires at the end of September and the city council chose the June date over ones in May and July.

      There’s also the possibility the June election will include a half-cent LB 357 infrastructure sales tax aimed at paying for a new city swimming pool. This summer will be the last one for the aging current pool.

      Several council members said it would be cheaper and make more sense to have both measures in one election since it would be easier to get information out to the voters.

       Council member Christy Warner says a new pool is needed with the population spurt expected from an expansion of the Clean Harbors incinerator and the Sentinel missile silo renovation and upgrade planned by the Air Force 

      Warner says the new residents are going to be looking for recreation, amenities, and a place their kids can safely have fun.