The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) encourages all Nebraskans to join in celebrating March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. This month is an opportunity to recognize that our community is a blend of people with unique abilities that are all valuable. Everyone deserves a chance to lead fulfilling and productive lives and achieve their goals. This month also allows Nebraskans to celebrate the achievements that have been made towards this goal.
“I encourage all Nebraskans to join DHHS in celebrating and learning about ways to build a welcoming community for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” said Tony Green, Director of DDD. “All Nebraskans have the opportunity to support and encourage those with intellectual and developmental disabilities to achieve their goals, be active members of their communities, and live a meaningful life.”
Here are some ways to celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month:
Wear Orange. Orange, the official color of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, symbolizes energy and positivity. Encourage your friends, families, neighbors, and coworkers to wear orange to show your support and spread awareness.
Share images, videos, and stories on social media. Social media is a great way to connect with your community and raise awareness about intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). By highlighting stories, sharing artwork created by individuals with IDD, following businesses that provide opportunities for individuals with IDD, promoting resources in the community, and using #DDAwareness2024 or #NewOpportunities, you can help amplify the voices of individuals with disabilities and build awareness.
Seek volunteer opportunities at local organizations in your community. Seeking opportunities to volunteer in your community is one of the best ways to show your support and help build awareness. Many local organizations have different volunteer opportunities available that provide an opportunity to support and advocate for a welcoming community.
DHHS is proud to recognize Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and continue the work of ensuring individuals with IDD are leading fulfilling and productive lives while achieving their full potential, goals, and dreams.