
May 23 Chadron Gun Incident Results In Prison Sentence


     The Chadron man who triggered a nearly 5-hour law enforcement search for an armed suspect across the south end of Chadron and the Chadron State College campus last May has been sentenced to 10-to-16 years in prison.

      36-year-old Warfield High Hawk received 3 years for Terroristic Threats, 3 years for Possession of a Deadly Weapon by a Prohibited Person; and 4-to-6 years for Attempted Possession of a Firearm while Committing a Felony. 

      He was given credit for 306 days already served, but since the prohibited person weapons charge has a mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years, High Hawk will be eligible for parole in about 6 years.

     High Hawk pled No Contest in December to the 3 felonies in return for prosecutors dismissing 2 other felony counts and 2 misdemeanors.

       The incident on May 13, 2023, began with a report of an active shooter in the area of Memorial Park. The suspect, later identified as High Hawk, was armed with a rifle and walking south across the east end of the Chadron State College campus.

       Although High Hawk fired several rounds at various times and places, none were directed at law enforcement or civilians.        

      A request by Chadron police for assistance led to multiple agencies sending officers, drones, thermal cameras, canine units, and armored vehicles.

      A Code Red alert was sent to residents asking them to shelter in place, lock their doors, and stay calm with Chadron State College ordering a lockdown for those still on campus.

       Officers spent some 4 hours trying to contact High Hawk and get him to drop the rifle before he was met by a team of officers with a canine as he walked in the Hidden Valley area south of Chadron, where he surrendered without incident