Annual forages offer cattle producers a way to increase the amount of feed their land produces. In this webinar participants will hear about the latest research and techniques for adding an annual forage rotation to their cattle business. Topics will start with the basics of developing a grazing system and understanding the technical aspects, choosing which species to plant, what to expect, options for harvesting and animal performance. The series will wrap up with a panel of cattle producers who have used an annual grazing system discussing their experiences. Participants can ask questions and interact directly with experts from Nebraska Extension, ensuring personalized insights and valuable takeaways tailored to their forage production needs. The webinar will be Tuesday and Thursday mornings from April 23 to May 16, starting at 6:30 a.m. (CDT). A Zoom link will be emailed to participants ahead of the webinars.
Register at https://go.unl.edu/annualforagewebinar
Webinar Topics:
April 23: Overview of Annual Forage Systems
·    Crafting a grazing chain for cattle from mid-spring through fall
·    Understanding carrying capacity and stocking rates
April 25: Using Warm-Season Annuals for Summer Grazing
·    Maximizing productivity through effective grazing management
·    Expected animal performance
April 30: Key Considerations for Silage or Hay from Warm-Season Annuals
·    Species and trait selection
·    Agronomic management for optimal yield and quality
·    Harvest management principles for ensuring success
May 2: Winter-Hardy Small Cereal Silage Production
·    Harvest timing’s effect on yield and quality
·    Key management principles for making quality silage
May 7: Grazing Winter-Hardy Small Cereals
·    Differences in species
·    Best practices for grazing management
·    Expected animal performance
May 9: Spring-Planted Small Cereals for Harvest or Grazing
·    Optimizing yields and quality through strategic harvest timing
·    The value of adding a legume
·    Species selection and grazing management
May 14: Stockpiled Forage for Fall Grazing
·    Selecting the right species for the goal
·    Unveiling the value of strip grazing
May 16: Producer Perspectives on Using Annual Forages
·    Lessons learned in the field