
Motorcycle Safety Tips


With summer close on the horizon, it’s safe to assume that we will be seeing many motorcycles and extraterrestrial vehicles on our roads and highways. While riding these vehicles can be fun and an exciting change from the common routine of an enclosed vehicle, we have to remember that they can also be dangerous if one is not cautious. Motorcycle riders are exposed to outside hazards that are not always apparent in cars or trucks. So before you hit the road, remember to refresh yourself with some of these safety tips for riding.

Rule number one is always wear a helmet. The data has shown time and time again that wearing a helmet can be the difference in the case of an accident. The best helmets for protection have a DOT (Department of Transportation) certification sticker on the back of it. Some states require the use of a helmet when riding certain outdoor vehicles, but just to play it safe, wear your helmet regardless.

On the same note, consider wearing other protective gear when riding. While most high quality leather jackets and chaps can be costly, they are nonetheless great protection in the case you get in an accident.

The next tip to consider may seem simple enough; be sure to follow all traffic laws and be observant of your surroundings while riding. Riding a motorcycle gives you the ability to ride in a more daring fashion, such as weaving between vehicles, or making faster and sharper turns. But remember, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Getting to your destination safely always beats getting there fast. Loss of control and speeding are the two most common causes of fatal motorcycle accidents.

Make sure your bike is as ready as you are to ride. If you’ve had your wheels safe in storage all winter, you need to take the time to make sure everything mechanically in your bike is ready to take on the road. Your fuel tank should have fresh fuel and all of the turning and brake signals should be operational. If you have any questions on how to winterize or inspect your model of motorcycle, consult the operator’s manual or speak to a local mechanic.

Planning a road trip, not so fast! Summer time can also oftentimes bring upon severe weather conditions, especially in the midwestern region of the country. The last thing you want is to be caught in a strong or severe thunderstorm and stranded in the middle of nowhere and not even have an enclosed car to take shelter in. If you’re taking a long ride, be sure to check the weather and have an idea of what to expect from the skies on your ride. If by any chance you do get caught in a storm, stop at a gas station or rest stop and wait out the storm.

One last tip is to consider participating in a rider’s safety course. These are available periodically throughout the riding season and can usually be found on your state’s DOT website. These courses will teach you various things including defensive driving skills, riding requirements, and getting comfortable on your flashy wheels.

Riding a motorcycle can be an exciting experience, but it’s important to remember that without due precaution, our excitement can quickly turn into a disaster. Play it safe this riding season. Happy Riding!!