
National Seat Belt Campaign Returns For Thanksgiving Weekend


      AAA is projecting that nearly 50 million Americans will drive more than 50 miles from home for Thanksgiving this year, an increase of 1.5% from last year, and they’re seeing more law enforcement than on a regular weekend.

      That’s in part because the latest edition of the national seat belt “Buckle Up, Every Trip, Every Time” campaign, formerly known as “Click It or Ticket,” is also underway and runs until 6:00 AM on Monday

    The Nebraska Dept of Transportation – Highway Safety Office has again provided grants to more than 3 dozen local law enforcement agencies around the state to help cover overtime costs for more officers on the street.

     Only 2 Panhandle agencies are taking part, the Scottsbluff Police Department and the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office, but the Nebraska State Patrol got nearly $29,000 for use statewide.

     Patrol Supt Colonel John Bolduc says “Thanksgiving always brings a big increase in travel on roadways in Nebraska and across the entire country, so you travel, remember that someone is counting on you to make it to the Thanksgiving dinner table.”

     Colonel Bolduc also says “The weather forecast throughout the weekend looks great for travel across the state, so it’s important to not be complacent behind the wheel. Eliminate distractions, watch your speed, buckle up, and always drive sober, whether your trip is across the country or just across town.”

     Nebraska State PatrolTroopers will be conducting high-visibility patrols across the state and any motorist in need of assistance can call *55 or 800-525-5555 to reach the Patol’s Highway Helpline. 

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