
NDOT and NATP to Recognize Nebraska Public Transit Week


The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT), along with the Nebraska Association of Transportation Providers (NATP), proudly announce the recognition of Nebraska Public Transit Week, April 21-27, 2024.

This statewide initiative aims to highlight the pivotal role of public transit in fostering accessibility, sustainability and community connectivity across the state. In collaboration with public transit providers throughout the state, Nebraska Public Transit Week is intended to showcase the benefits and opportunities public transportation has to offer.

In Nebraska, 5.1% of households do not have access to a vehicle. Public transit options, in both rural and urban communities, are vital to these Nebraskans, as well as those who cannot drive a personal vehicle. In 2023, Nebraska’s rural transit providers traveled over 4 million miles with over 600,000 passenger boardings connecting people across the state to essential medical care, education, employment opportunities, and freedom of mobility in their day-to-day lives.

While urban providers have the largest ridership, they only account for eight of the 58 public transit providers in Nebraska. Most rural transit providers offer demand response service, where rides are booked ahead of time and bring passengers to a specific destination, like rideshare programs. In addition to the 58 public transit providers in Nebraska, six agencies operate regularly scheduled intercity routes across the state.

For more information about local providers, visit Nebraska Public Transit. This website includes an interactive map for finding public transit providers, details on events during Nebraska Public Transit Week and information for riders.