The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) and the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) are recognizing Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW), which occurs nationally Nov. 13-17. This national effort, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), emphasizes simple actions everyone can take to Protect Those Who Protect You.
“CRSW provides an opportunity to increase awareness, reinforce move over laws, and promote Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training for all first responders,” says Colonel John Bolduc, NSP Superintendent of Law Enforcement & Public Safety. “Every day, law enforcement, fire and rescue, emergency medical services, public works, transportation, towing, and others work to make our roads safer. This week emphasizes the safe driving efforts that we should all be practicing every time we’re on the road.”
“Keeping our people safe, Nebraskans, our state’s guests, and our emergency responders is not something that happens by accident. It takes commitment, intentionality, and cooperation to maintain our quality of life,” says Vicki Kramer, NDOT Director. “This Wednesday, we will be celebrating the cooperation and partnership between first responders in Buffalo, Hall, Kearney, and Adams Counties who have formalized their commitment to safety through a signed memorandum of understanding. These counties comprise one of NDOT’s traffic incident management working groups, where first responders from all disciplines, representing multiple agencies come together to improve upon incident responses, educate on best practices, and hold trainings.”
Last Monday, Governor Pillen signed a proclamation declaring National Crash Responder Safety Week, emphasizing the critical importance of crash responders in planned and coordinated efforts to respond to and clear traffic crashes as quickly as possible.
NDOT and NSP remind drivers to slow down and, if possible, move into another lane when passing an incident scene. Be patient, stay alert, and give emergency responders room to work. Protect those who protect you we are all safer together.
Members of the media who want to learn more about specific initiatives and impacts to the traveling public are invited to contact Jeni Campana with NDOT to arrange interviews and connect with responders.
Visit 511.nebraska.gov for a real-time look at Nebraska traffic. Stay safe – plan ahead, follow detours, and always remember buckle up, phone down.