
Nebraska Secretary of State Promotes Nebraska Businesses in Trade Mission to Kenya


The Nebraska Secretary of State Delegation visits McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm in Nairobi.

Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen led a trade and investment mission to Kenya from February 12 to February 22. As a part of the trade mission, Secretary Evnen and Deputy Secretary Cindi Allen connected Nebraska-based businesses with trade opportunities in Kenya. The trade mission included meetings between business leaders, researchers and government officials across Kenya. The trade mission focused on connecting Kenya importers with corn growers and researchers in Nebraska.

“The country of Kenya provides immense opportunities for Nebraska businesses,” Secretary of State Bob Evnen said. “Nebraska is known around the globe for its agriculture and its contributions to feeding a growing world. I’m honored to help build new connections that will benefit the people of Nebraska and Kenya.”

The February 2024 Trade and Investment Mission to Kenya was Secretary Evnen’s sixth international trade mission since taking office in 2019 and second trade mission to Kenya. As a part of the Secretary of State’s statutory responsibility to promote international exchanges of commerce and culture, Secretary Evnen has led prior trade missions with Nebraska businesses to Bulgaria, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan.

The Nebraska Secretary of State Delegation visits a coffee cooperative in Nyeri.

Nebraska Secretary of State Deputy for International Trade Cindi Allen organized the trade mission along with Grand Island coffee distributor Laban Njuguna. The delegation included representatives from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nebraska Corn Board, Cantera Partners, Home Health Care, Pioneer Crop Science, GLASS (Geo-Location Addressing System Service), and Grand Island Express, Inc., among others.

“Kenya is the fastest growing market in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Deputy Secretary Allen said. “If we have learned anything, we have learned that single-sourcing your supply chain is not good.  We are helping Nebraska seize this opportunity in trade and investments in Kenya. Kenya is a large emerging market much like the opportunities we saw in Southeast Asia twenty years ago.”