
Nebraska State College System Trustees Meeting Today At CSC


       The Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees is wrapping up its annual visit to Chadron today with a public business session at 2:30 in the Chadron State College Student Center. 

       The board holds at least one meeting a year on each of the 3 state college campuses with the trustees saying it gives them a better feel for each school and a better understanding of the strengths and needs of each.

      The board had a closed session this morning at 8:30. Chancellor Paul Turman says closed sessions deal with either personnel issues or litigation, both among the limited number of topics allowed in Nebraska law for executive sessions.

      Today’s agenda includes a large number of policies being reviewed or updated to meet changes in state laws and regulations.

     The trustees will also hear updates from Chancellor Turman on a review of the State College System’s strategic plan, IT security report, and the “College is Worth It” campaign.