By Chabella Guzman
Dawes County 4-H recently welcomed Kylin Munger as its new Extension Assistant.
Munger grew up ranching with her family north of Springview, Neb., part of the sixth generation on the place. She helped establish a new FFA chapter in high school and then attended Chadron State College for Ag-Business.
“Agriculture has shaped me into who I am,” Munger said. “I am looking forward to sharing my passion for agriculture and learning with the youth of Dawes County, but I am also so excited for the opportunity to meet people and get involved with the community.”
Munger moved from Springview after getting engaged and looked for a job where she could thrive and continue to work in agriculture. “Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of 4-H opportunities, so I’m excited to get to be a part of this organization.”
Munger will be ranching with her fiancé Drew Jerslid while also serving as the Dawes County 4-H Assistant.