
New Highway and Street Superintendents Licensed


Six people successfully completed the Oct. 6, 2023, examination and are now licensed by the Nebraska Board of Examiners for County Highway and City Street Superintendents.

Licensed County Highway and City Street Superintendents are Mr. Roger L. Funk of Waverly; Mr. Dustin Glass of Chadron; Mr. Skyler Daniel Mount of Scottsbluff; Mr. Daniel Allen Prochaska of Dwight; Mr. Michael J. Smith of La Vista; and Ms. Elizabeth Yost of Oshkosh.

Funk is a Labor Supervisor of the West District Shop Stormwater, for the City of Lincoln; Glass is the Street Superintendent for the City of Chadron; Mount is a District Foreman for the Scotts Bluff County Road and Bridge Department; Prochaska is a Laborer II for the Lancaster County Engineering Department; Smith is a Maintenance Foreman II, with the City of Omaha; and Ms. Yost is an Administrative Assistant for the Garden County Road Department.

The next examination will be held April 5, 2024, with an application deadline of Dec. 31, 2023. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Board of Examiners, PO Box 94759, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509, (402) 479-4436, and by consulting the website listed below.

Also, recently licensed were: Matt W. Bryant of Omaha; Drew Allen Hoops of Salina, Kan.; and Brian Thomas Schuele of Lincoln. Professional Engineers (P.E.) are licensed by equivalency.

Bryant is the Nebraska Transportation Operations Manager with Wilson & Company, in Omaha; Hoops is a Project Manager with Wilson & Company, in Salina; and Schuele is a Technical Leader with Olsson, in Lincoln.

Superintendents are qualified to assist in administering county, city and village road and street programs, including:

  • preparing one- and six-year improvement plans or programs,
  • preparing annual budgets,
  • supervising the annual program for design, construction and maintenance of roads and
    streets, and
  • coordinating plans with adjacent counties, cities, villages and with the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

Additional information about the licensing program is available at the Nebraska Department of Transportation, Boards – Liaison Services Section website: