The Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District (UNWNRD) held the fourth annual Amateur Photo Contest, in search of natural resources related photos from residents of the District encompassing Box Butte, Dawes, Sheridan and Sioux counties. The UNWNRD received nearly 600 photos this year of all aspects of natural resources including agriculture, recreation, wildlife, nature and much more.
With the amazing turn out in photo entries this year, the UNWNRD Board of Directors decided to award four places this year instead of three as in years past. Cash prizes will be paid to each winner and the first-place photo will be made into a canvas print and displayed in the UNWNRD office for the next year, after that time the print will be returned to the winner when a new winner is selected.
The 2022 winner was Lynn Kreitman of Gordon with her winning photo of a John Deere tractor with haybales decorated as an American Flag, titled “Baling in the USA”. This patriotic photo is currently displayed in the UNWNRD Office until the 2023 winning photo arrives, after that it will be Ms. Kreitman’s print to keep.
The 2023 Winners are:
1st Place: Audra Johnston of Lakeside with her photo titled “A Spring Storm”

2nd Place: Celeste Schuhmacher of Chadron with her photo titled “Play Time”

3rd Place: Dan Anderson of Hay Springs with his photo titled “Training at Walgren Lake”

4th Place: Tarrah Johnson of Alliance with her photo titled “Farming: A Profession of Hope”

“This year has been our best year yet, with nearly 600 photos submitted the popularity of this contest is overwhelming! When we started this 4 years ago, we received less than 30 photos and even then, the winners were difficult to choose! With so many photos, narrowing them down took some time and there were so many more photos that could have easily been winners this year,” commented Nancy Fisher, UNWNRD Director.
The UNWNRD will continue to host the photo contest next spring but will make some changes with how entries are submitted. It was decided this year, as photos were judged, that so many photos could be winners but maybe in different categories so for the 2024 Photo Contest natural resources relate categories will be created to help organize and compare photos. This will hopefully make it easier to narrow down and judge entries. Please look for more information on the NRD website www.unwnrd.org or stop by the office at 430 East 2nd Street to see the 2023 winning photo.
Thank you to all who submitted photos this year! The UNWNRD is eager to see many more amazing photos of Northwest Nebraska in years to come.