Funeral services for 42-year old Paha Standing Bear-Bad Bear are Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 10:00 at the LaCreek CAP Office in Martin, SD, with traditional Lakota Services by Mr Justin Poor Bear and Mr Quentin Red Bear
Burial is at the Black Eyes Family Cemetery in Bear Creek, SD
A two-night wake service starts Sunday, June 25, at noon at the LaCreek CAP Office in Martin.
Online condolences may be made at siouxfuneralhome.com
Paha Wakan Wi Standing Bear-Bad Bear was born on October 31, 1980 in Pine Ridge, SD to Dwayne Richards and Robin Standing Bear. Paha made her journey to the Spirit World on June 13, 2023 at her home in Martin, SD.
Paha is survived by her father Dwayne Frank Richards; siblings Misty Standing Bear, Cheryl Standing Bear, Maria Standing Bear, Frankie Standing Bear Sr, William Bettelyoun, and Mario Standing Bear Sr; children Dwayne Bad Bear, Damon Bad Bear, Dominique Bad Bear, Trevor Red Bear Jr, Edsel Red Bear, Cecil Red Bear, and Mato Standing Bear; and grandchildren Peyton High Bull and Bernard Richards.
Paha was preceded in death by her mother Robin Rae Standing Bear; sisters Barb Standing Bear and Baby Girl Standing Bear; brothers Richard Standing Bear, Edsel Standing Bear, Matthew Shangreaux, and Baby Boy Standing Bear; maternal grandparents Evelyn Black Eyes and Edsel Standing Bear; paternal grandparents Delmar Richards and Viola Standing Soldier; uncles Jerome Black Eyes, Philip Richards, and Gordon Standing Bear; and aunts Grace Marie Richards, Cheryl Ann Richards, Priscilla Richards, Lisa Richards, and Cathy Richards.
Pallbearers will be Dave Standing Bear, Everette Cottier, Antonio Mousseaux, Jessie Poor Bear, Charlie Cummings, Reily Bear Robe, Antonio Guterrez, Anthony Red Cloud, Darwin Red Cloud, Dajoni Red Bear, Arlo Standing Bear, and Curtis Hernandez.
Honorary pallbearers will be Peyton “Slobber Cheeks” High Bull, Bernard Richards, Baby Trin Poor Thunder, Lorena Brave Hawk & Family, Daverine Richards & Family, Hazel Wilson & Family, Trevor Red Bear Sr & Family, Emma Standing Bear & Family, Dave Red Bear, Danetta Mousseaux, Jasmine High Bull & Babies, Promise High Bull & Babies, Kerm & Sina, Patricia Standing Bear & Family, Melinda Shangreaux & Family, Carl Standing Bear & Family, Mable Fineran & Family, Rich Cottier, Matt Cottier, Melanie DuBray & Boys, Spencer Standing Bear, Lang Brown Eyes & Family, Tonya Hernandez & Family, Tyler Richards, Pamela Shangreaux & Family, Janis Poor Thunder & Family, Black Eyes Family, Reshaw Family, Standing Bear Family, Standing Soldier Family, and All Friends & Relatives.
Sioux Funeral Home of Pine Ridge is in charge of arrangements for Nekole Kendall