
Panhandle Conference Basketball Tournament at Crawford


Con Marshall

Boysโ€™ First Roundโ€”Tuesday, Jan 21

Morrill 63, Edgemont 25

Hemingford 51, Hyannis 45

Hay Springs 66, Cody-Kilgore 63

Crawford 52, Sioux County 24

Girlsโ€™ First Roundโ€”Wednesday, Jan. 22   (rescheduled from Monday because of weather)

Edgemont had a bye.

Hay Springs 36, Cody-Kilgore 34

Morrill 53, Hyannis 46

Crawford 40, Hemingford 26

Girlsโ€™ Consolation Semifinalsโ€”Friday, Jan, 24

Hyannis vs. Hemingford, 9 a.m.

Boysโ€™ Consolation Semifinalsโ€”Friday, Jan. 24

Edgemont vs. Hyannis, 10:30 p.m.

Cody-Kilgore vs. Sioux County, 12 p.m.

Girlsโ€™ Championship Semifinalsโ€”Friday, Jan 24

Edgemont vs. Hay Springs, 1:30 p.m.

Morrill vs. Crawford, 3 p.m.

Boysโ€™ Championship Semifinalsโ€”Friday, Jan. 24

Morrill vs. Hemingford, 4:30 p.m.

Hay Springs vs. Crawford, 6 p.m.

Final Round will be played Saturday, Jan. 25 starting at 9:30 a.m.

Girlsโ€™ Championship game starting at 4:30 p.m. Boysโ€™ Championship game at 6 p.m.