
Pillen, Brewer, And Others Visit Neb National Guard Deployment In Texas


     Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen, Speaker of the Legislature John Arch, State Senator Tom Brewer of Gordon, and Nebraska National Guard Adjutant General Craig Strong flew to Texas Wednesday to visit with Nebraska troops deployed there.

         Pillen’s office says the day-long visit was spent with National Guard airmen and soldiers who have been deployed to the Del Rio area since early April. 

      The group of about 35 troops are on active-duty status supporting the Texas National Guard on border enforcement. Their deployment will run another 3-to-5 weeks.

       Gov. Pillen thanked them for answering the call to volunteer for this mission, saying “They have taken time out of their normal work and family lives to take on a challenge that is important to our nation.” 

     The Nebraskans have been working side-by-side with the Texas National Guard, manning various posts along the border, and Pillen and his party spent time with them at their base camp before touring operational areas by vehicle.

     The governor said Nebraska’s commitment has been critical to the mission of stopping the influx of criminals, weapons, drugs and human trafficking into our country and state.