
Pillen Proclaims March As Developmental Disabilities Month


Photo – Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner

     Governor Jim Pillen has proclaimed March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in the state. 

      Pillen was joined for a ceremony in the Capitol Tuesday by officials from the Nebraska Dept of Health and Human Services and several individuals with developmental disabilities on Tuesday.

      The governor said it’s “really, really important” to keep alive the designation that President Ronald Reagan began in 1987 to help with advocacy and support for people with disabilities.

     Pillen said “Every person matters, and we need to put in a special month where we recognize and support the families that have developmental disabilities.” 

    He added that “We’re encouraging, and we are supporting and we are helping all others have normal, meaningful, purposeful lives every single day.”

       The state supports more than 5,100 Nebraskans with developmental disabilities who are living, working, and leading productive lives in their local communities.