
Pillen Proclaims October As Developmental Disabilities Employment Awareness Month


      Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen has proclaimed October as Developmental Disabilities Employment Awareness Month

       Pillen told a proclamation ceremony on Friday “Creating a welcoming and supportive workplace is not only beneficial for individuals with disabilities, it’s also a benefit to Nebraska businesses.” 

     Pillen called individuals with disabilities “an underutilized resource who can help fill workplace gaps” in a state that has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation,

      Nebraska Health and Human Services Developmental Disabilities Director Tony Green joined Pillen at the ceremony and said  “All Nebraskans deserve to live, love, work, play, and pursue their life aspirations.”

     Green added that “Many individuals with disabilities are willing, ready, and excited to work” and that the state has resources available for employers who are interested in hiring individuals with disabilities, including Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation (VR).

     VR works with businesses to find and retain workers, and also works with individuals to make sure their new at-work match is positive – including identifying on and off-site job supports and tools that can help make the worker more successful