The Pine Ridge Ranger District staff of the Nebraska National Forests & Grasslands, (NNFG) welcomes hunters for the 2023 firearm deer hunting season that opens Saturday, November 11, 2023.
Tim Buskirk, Pine Ridge District Ranger said, “Because of the relatively large percentage of public lands in Northwest Nebraska, it is a popular place to hunt. We welcome visitors and want to work together to ensure a safe and enjoyable hunting experience for everyone.”
Buskirk reminded hunters of the temporary road closure for National Forest System Road, (NFSR) 723, commonly referred to as either Little Wolf or ‘Cliffs’ Road. This road is located on the Pine Ridge Ranger District, approximately eight miles southeast of Chadron off Bordeaux Road and is closed to through traffic while a culvert is being replaced near the Cliff’s parking lot.
Buskirk said, “The road is open from either end; however, there is no through traffic, and it is well signed. Folks may still approach the Cliffs area from the east via NFSR-723. The easiest route to access the Cliffs Trailhead is to take the Job Corps Bypass Road, off Highway 385, immediately south of the Job Corps Center and is open to the trails that allow access to areas north and south of the Cliffs.”
All hunters using National Forest System lands are reminded that motorized travel, including off-highway vehicles (OHV) is only allowed on roads and trails designated as open to motorized use. No motorized travel is allowed in the Soldier Creek Wilderness Area or the Pine Ridge National Recreation Area. Free Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) are available to help identify open routes. MVUMs are also available electronically through the Avenza app for those who prefer to use their smartphone or tablet.
The free MVUMs, other maps and instructions on how to use the Avenza app are available at the Pine Ridge District Ranger Office at 125 North Main Street in Chadron. The office will be open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 pm MST, except for Federal Holidays.
For more information, hunters may call the Pine Ridge District Ranger Office at 308-432-0300 or view maps and information at https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/nebraska/maps-pubs