
“Pleasant Valley Fire” Still at 0% Containment


Courtesy Wyoming State Forestry Division

According to KNEB News, residents who were forced out of their homes by a wildfire north of Guernsey, WY, are now being allowed to return home.

Fortunately, no structures have been reported as being damaged or destroyed thus far and Highways 26 and 270 have been reopened as of Wednesday.

However, the Wyoming State Forestry Division says the fast-moving Pleasant Valley Fire is still at 0% containment after merging with the Haystacks Fire on Wednesday night and the fire has burned through nearly 28,000 acres in eastern Wyoming.

As of Thursday, August 1st, 110 firefighting personnel were still engaging the Pleasant Valley fire and a Type 3 Incident Management Team (IMT) had been called up to assist crews in the fight.

Type 3 IMT crews typically consist of 10-20 trained personnel from different departments and agencies who are used in extended incidents- like the Pleasant Valley Fire.

As our area becomes increasingly drier, remember to be cautious with outdoor activities like setting off fireworks, removing dry branches and plant matter, properly disposing of cigarettes, and safely running machinery to mitigate the risk of starting fires.