
Polls Show Nebraskans Support Gov. Pillen’s Property Tax Plan


New polling shows the majority of Nebraskans support efforts by Governor Jim Pillen and a bipartisan coalition in the Nebraska Legislature to deliver transformative property tax relief to Nebraska homeowners. 

As detailed further in a polling memorandum and presentation,ย 67%ย of Nebraskans support a plan to cut property taxes, cap government spending, and fund K-12 education.ย An incredibleย 82%ย of Nebraska voters say property taxes are too high,ย andย 56%ย of those voters sayย they areย wayย too high.

In contrast to biased, unscientific surveys released and parroted by special interest organizations and politicians opposed to cutting property taxes, this public opinion data is based on actual polling statistical science.

The poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies July 27-31, 2024, with 500 observations of likely voters in Nebraska, with a margin of error of 4.38%. The survey was conducted by live interviewers, with N=434 voters reached via cell phone and N=66 voters reached via landline.