
Promote the General Welfare Not Special Interests


Gregory K. Soderberg

Presidents, Federal and State senators and representatives, city councils, commissioners and others allow our government and citizens to be forced into debt to get money created. The money only exists while its owed. Time increases the debt but not the money supply. This debt must constantly grow, can never be paid as we cannot pay debt with debt and get rid of the debt. This growing indebtedness increases our costs of living, reduces our purchasing power, makes it harder and harder for most to make ends meet and to save, and creates growing dependency among the citizenry.

Enabling this debt is the cause of most economic and social problems and needs that โ€˜leadersโ€™ believe they are helping with. Their campaigns and newsletters shine with the pride of their efforts to get money for all kinds of special interest needs. This group. That person. That group. This person. This help, bill passing and grant acquisition is not what our โ€˜misleadersโ€™ swore an Oath to do as these actions only serve special interests. None promote the general Welfare or Freedom. Forced indebtedness is the antithesis of Americaโ€™s Freedom foundation, a violation of our 13th Amendment protection against Involuntary Servitude; a destroyer of Freedom, Independence and nations. Restore the principle of a debt free medium of exchange.

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