
Public Input Sought for Brownfield Redevelopment Project at Bands on Bordeaux


The City of Chadron welcomes residents to learn about its recently awarded Brownfields Assessment Grant. This $500,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) empowers the City to identify and assess potentially contaminated properties (brownfields).

The ultimate goal of the project is to facilitate the cleanup and revitalization of these sites, fostering sustainable economic development.

A brownfield site is any property that the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance (such as lead-based paint or asbestos), pollutant, or contaminant. One of the largest barriers to
redevelopment of areas impacted by brownfield sites is the cost it takes to assess and manage the cleanup of these sites. The goal of this project is to gather environmental information, collaborate with stakeholders, identify priority sites, and develop remediation strategies that can spur activity and encourage long-term redevelopment and investment to support the health and vitality of Chadron.

The funds were awarded based on the need of the community and goals to consider
redevelopment of vacant buildings to address housing needs, to support entrepreneurs, and to reactivate underutilized properties in Chadron. Although the funds cannot be used for
construction activities, they can support a wide variety of technical assistance activities that
support subsequent cleanup and redevelopment. Some of the many eligible activities include environmental assessments, hazard substance (i.e. asbestos and lead based paint) sampling, sketches showing building improvements, redevelopment plans, and remediation planning.

The City invites residents to stop by a booth at Bands on Bordeaux on July 11th , and:
ï‚· Meet with project consultants: Gain insights from the experts leading the Brownfield
Assessment Grant project.
ï‚· Learn about brownfields: Understand the identification, assessment, and
redevelopment process for contaminated properties.
ï‚· Share your vision for Chadron: Contribute valuable ideas for the future use and
development of brownfield sites within the City.

Those seeking to provide comment or more information should contact City of Chadron Project Manager Janet Johnson at or 303-432-0505.