
Senator Brewer’s Weekly Update


Senator Tom Brewer

By Senator Tom Brewer

During the recent Nebraska Game and Park Commissionโ€™s meeting in Ogallala, they announced a new species hunting season will begin in 2025. There will be two seasons for Mountain Lions. The first season will begin in January and end in February. If a female has not been harvested, a second season from 15-31 March will be held.

I was very happy to hear this. Numerous constituents from across the district over the years have contacted me and told me very serious stories about their encounters with mountain lions being too close to their family or killing their livestock. Nebraskans need to remember that you donโ€™t need anyoneโ€™s permission to protect your family and livestock from a Mountain Lion.

In other news, the Commission told me they will be making improvements to the Calamus Reservoir State Recreation Area over the summer. They said there is extensive road construction projects set to begin soon. The project will include improvements to campground roadways, campsites, and boat ramp parking areas.

I recently read that southwest of Chadron in the Pine Ridge hills that 15-year-old girl, Kiersten Black of Sidney, shot a world-class trophy Big Horned sheep last fall. She was the winner of a lottery drawn from a pool of 3,524 applicants. Only two permits were issued. Since they were reintroduced in Nebraska in the 1980s, her ram makes 34 big horned sheep harvested in Nebraska by Nebraskans. Congratulations Kiersten!

The special session starts next week. I have met with the Governor and several senior senators. After hearing the concept behind the bills that will be introduced for the special session, I am cautiously optimistic. Reducing property taxes has been something my class of 2017 have tried to do for the last eight years. In that time, I have seen scores of good bills fall short by just a handful of votes. I am impressed by the level of thought and research that has gone into the governorโ€™s proposal. No bill of this importance will be without spirited debate and several amendments. That said, there is reason to be encouraged. The Governorโ€™s team and the Revenue and Appropriations committees have done a lot of impressive work. The Special Session starts next Thursday the 25th of July.

I hope Nebraskans concerned about taxes will tune in and watch their legislature finally fix this terrible problem.

Please contact my office with any comments, questions, or concerns. Email me at, mail a letter to Sen. Tom Brewer, Room #1423, P.O. Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509, or call us at (402) 471-2628.