
Senator Brewer’s Weekly Update


Senator Tom Brewer

By Senator Tom Brewer

Debate on bills have begun is the โ€œextraordinaryโ€ session of the 108th Nebraska Legislature (aka; special session) For people living in Western Nebraska, I encourage you to pay close attention to Omaha and Lincoln senators. 38 of the 49 senators (75% of the votes in the body) come from senators who share a district boundary with the city limits of Lincoln and Omaha. If any reduction in property tax relief comes out of this special session, it will be because Omaha and Lincoln senators voted for it.

The dozen or so Western Nebraska Senators donโ€™t even constitute a legislative quorum. We hope our Lincoln and Omaha colleagues move with fairness towards agriculture and ranching. I also hope we can all recognize and thank our Governor for having the political courage to call a special session to reduce property taxes. The last Governor had eight years to do it, and chose to punt this issue to the next Governor because he was afraid of the political risk. Governor Pillen is not and I commend him for his courage.

I really hope I hear a values and principled-based debate on taxation in Nebraska. Instead of talking about what Nebraskans should pay a tax on, I really hope we begin the debate about the list of things state or local government should NEVER tax.

I hope we start with the principle that taxes in Nebraska are high enough, and not a single one of the $11.7B collected last year in income, sales and property taxes should go up one penny. I am more than happy to debate โ€œre-balancingโ€ Nebraskaโ€™s system of taxation and replacing property tax revenue with sales tax revenue โ€“ after spending caps for local units of government are passed. First things need to be first. If we cannot control the spending, the next legislature will soon be right back in the same boat.

Shelter, food, groceries, utilities like electricity, natural gas, sewer and water, garbage collection, cell phone, internet connection, medicine and healthcare, legal representation, banking, etc. One could make a good argument that is not morally right for government to tax any of these things. Every Nebraskan, rich or poor, has to pay for these life necessities. Why on Earth would government want to tax citizens on things that they cannot avoid buying because they are a life necessity? A tax that poor citizens cannot avoid paying is wrong. A tax idea conceived because citizens canโ€™t avoid the ambush, is unethical.

I really hope we can have a tax debate that is guided by Nebraska values. Government should not tax people on life necessities. I hope our shared Nebraska values can unite the legislature. The most important thing to remember is the peopleโ€™s ability to pay the tax government asks for. We must make sure we donโ€™t pass a law that forces people to choose between paying a tax, and providing for their family.

Please contact my office with any comments, questions, or concerns. Email me at, mail a letter to Sen. Tom Brewer, Room #1423, P.O. Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509, or call us at (402) 471-2628.