
Senator Brewer’s Weekly Update


By Senator Tom Brewer

Today I had the privilege to tour the Hornady Manufacturing Company in Grand Island. I would like to thank Senator Brian Hardin for setting it up. Thanks as well to my good friend Steve Hornady and his wonderful staff for opening his business to us. Along with about a dozen other senators and staff, we got to see a wonderful example of what every Nebraskan wants “more of” in our State.

We got to see a growing, successful, privately-owned, family business that takes turns with another factory in town for Grand Island’s largest employer. When they began in 1949, Hornady Mfg. needed brave bankers to get started because Steve’s father Joyce was a visionary. He created products for a type of customer that never existed until the end of WWII. This business is an example of “if we build it, they will come.” Hornady has since grown into a world leader in the manufacture of very accurate rifle bullets and ammunition. This company is so innovative that tours of the factory are no longer available to the general public to protect trade secrets. This company represents the very best of something in the world. California has fine wine, but Nebraska is the Napa Valley of fine bullets.

In other news, the end of my last session in the Nebraska Legislature is approaching rapidly. We are more than halfway done with the session. This is only a 60-day second session so time is growing short.

I encourage citizens to keep an eye on Priority Bills. From this point forward in the session, non-priority bills that have not been amended into a Priority Bill are not going to make it. With rare exception, without a priority by this stage of the process means the bill “has no path” to the Governor’s desk. It is very unlikely these bills will make it to the agenda. Last Friday was the end of bill introduction hearings, and next week will begin full-day sessions on the floor of the Legislature. This is a good time for citizens to watch the legislature.

Please contact my office with any comments, questions, or concerns. Email me at, mail a letter to Sen. Tom Brewer, Room #1423, P.O. Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509, or call us at (402) 471-2628.