
September Is National Preparedness Month


    Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen last week proclaimed September as National Preparedness Month in the state.

     Pillen used a signing ceremony last Friday in the Capitol to remind all Nebraskans how important it is for individuals, families, and communities to prepare for disasters and emergencies.

       The governor said  “Working together, we can build a prepared and resilient Nebraska,” adding that this year’s National Preparedness Month campaign is focused on providing information and resources to empower older adults to prepare.

      Nebraska Emergency Management Agency Assistant Director Erv Portis told the ceremony that while NEMA and local emergency managers have plans to address a wide range of natural and man-made disasters, individuals and families need them too.

      Portis said family plans should include where to meet if a home is destroyed and how family members would contact each other should phone service be out.

       Emergency managers recommend that individuals be prepared to shelter in place for a minimum of 3 days since large numbers of people may need to be helped in a disaster.