
Several Streets Listed on 1 and 6 Year Plan


By Kerri Rempp

The Chadron City Council approved the one and six-year street plan Monday, with a significant portion of the city streets scheduled to be chip sealed in year one.

Street Superintendent Dustin Glass plans to bid a project this winter that will result in chip
sealing of the streets from the 100 block to the 600 block from Spruce Street to Pine Street.

It is the only project listed on the one-year list. Seven asphalt resurfacing projects are listed on the six-year plan. East Sixth and Seventh Streets are slated to be worked on, as are Beech Street and West and East Ninth Street. Work on North Main Street, broken into two phases, is listed on the six-year plan as well. Current estimates have North Main rehab and reconstruction costing $3.2 million, said City Manager Tom Menke. That project will require not only new street, but curb and gutter and infrastructure work.

The cost to repair asphalt streets is running around $525-625 per linear feet just for the street repair before any infrastructure work is added, he said. โ€œBefore I got on the council, I didnโ€™t understand how much these repairs cost. Itโ€™s very expensive,โ€ said Councilman Mark Graves.

The city is working with a new engineering firm and hopes to piggyback on jobs bid in other Panhandle communities the firm represents to cut mobilization costs, Menke added.

The six-year plan also includes replacing concrete panels on West Sixth Street and additional
concrete work on West Ninth Street and from Cedar Buttes to Royal Court. Curb and gutter replacement is scheduled for Second Street.

In other business Monday, the council,

  • Approved two additional ADA parking stalls on the south side of Tenth Street near the intersection with Main Street. Chadron State College will have the work done, which will include curb cuts.
  • Approved the plat and lease for SWANNโ€™s new construction.
  • Authorized the purchase of a new loader for the street department at the cost of $210,481 and approved a bid notice for a new pickup to be used at the airport. Both purchases are included in the budget.