Governor Proclaims March 27-31 as Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Week

Gov. Jim Pillen signed a proclamation declaring March 27-31 as Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Week, during a news conference at the Capitol today.
“We want all Nebraskans to take time during Severe Weather Awareness Week to prepare for spring and summer severe weather,” Gov. Pillen said. “It’s just a good practice for those of us who live in areas affected by tornadoes, floods and severe thunderstorms.”
NEMA Director, Maj. Gen. Daryl Bohac announced the winners of the annual Severe Weather Awareness Poster Contest. Nebraska third grader’s provided tips for being prepared for disasters that can affect Nebraskan’s during the spring and summer. The top four students were honored at the news conference.
First Place: Lucas Rabstejnek, 8, Southern School District, Blue Springs, Gage County, “April Showers Bring May Floods”

Second Place: Gunnar Fernau, 9, Valentine Elementary School, Valentine, Cherry County, “Stay Inside During a Storm”

Third Place: Barrett Boynton, 9, Ruth Hill Elementary School, Lancaster County, “Tornado: Take Shelter Immediately”

Fourth Place: Allison Jerri Johnson, 9, Adams Elementary School, Lincoln, Lancaster County,

Honorable Mention (alphabetical order)
- Karyss Carufel, 8, Isanti Community School, Niobrara, Knox County
- Elianna Clay, 8, Southern School District, Blue Springs, Gage County
- Natalie Dolezal, 8, Gordon- Rushville Elementary School, Rushville, Sheridan County
- Jeanette Vizcay Martinez, 9, Chandler View Elementary School, Sarpy County
- Brooklyn Pavelka, 9, Adams Central School, Hastings, Adams County
- Lilly Pracheil, 9, Dorchester Public Schools, Dorchester, Saline County
- Capri Rodriquez, 8, Gordon-Rushville Public Schools, Rushville, Sheridan, County
- Heidi Rutt, 9, Lourdes, Central Catholic School, Nebraska City, Otoe County
- Josie Zagozda, 8, Westmont Elementary School, Bellevue, Sarpy County
Other speakers included Nebraska Weather Service Warning Meteorologist Brian Smith and Nebraska Association of Emergency Management (NAEM) President Dawna Whitcomb of Adams County. Dawson County Emergency Management Director Brian Woldt, who coordinates the poster contest for NAEM, presented the top three students with their prize gift cards: The first-place winner received a $125 gift card. The second-place winner received a $100 gift card and the third-place winner received a $75 gift card from NAEM. Smith awarded the fourth-place winner a $50 gift card. The winning and honorable mention posters will be featured in NEMA’s 2022 Severe Weather Awareness Calendar.
For more information on severe weather awareness, or preparing for severe weather, visit: .