
Smith Lauds Bipartisan Child Welfare Reform Advanced by Ways and Means


Rep. Adrian Smith

Today, Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) released the following statement after the Committee on Ways and Means passed bipartisan legislation which included policy from his bill with Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) to improve child welfare services.

โ€œOur children are our future. Reviewing the experiences of Americans served by state and federal child welfare programs and taking every step we can to improve outcomes is one of the most impactful things we do on the Committee on Ways and Means. I am glad the long-overdue package we advanced out of the committee today included my bill to ensure these programs are more informed by and accountable to the people they serve. I will continue to support these reforms as the legislative process continues.โ€


In June, Smith and Moore introduced H.R. 8815, the Youth and Family Engagement in Child Welfare Act. The bill would require states to consult with youth and families with lived experience in child welfare services when developing their state child welfare plans under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act. They would be required to publicly report their suggestions and how the state has implemented them.