
State College Trustees Meeting Thursday At CSC


       The Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees is wrapping up its annual visit to Chadron Thursday with a public business session at 2:15 in the Chadron State Student Center Scottsbluff Room. 

       Trustee Gary Bieganski of Chadron says the board holds at least one meeting on each of the 3 state college campuses

Bieganski says the visits give the trustees a better feel for each school and a better understanding of the strengths and needs of each.

The trustees met in a closed session yesterday afternoon before attending the CSC Math Science Center of Innovative Learning dedication and have another one this morning.  

     Chancellor Paul Turman says the closed sessions are dealing with either personnel issues or litigation, both among the limited number of topics allowed in Nebraska law for executive sessions.

      Today’s agenda includes a large number of policies being reviewed of updated to meet change state laws and regulations.

     The trustees will also consider approval of the State College Systems Deficit Budget Request, and of the final Capital Construction and LB 309 Budget requests and prioritization for the next biennium.