
Storer’s Weekly Update


Nebraska State Senator Tanya Storer

By Senator Tanya Storer

Capitol Conversations: From Pasture to Policy

It has been another busy week at the Capitol. In Transportation & Telecommunications, the committee discussed license plate and fee adjustments. One of the potential changes proposed that would affect District 43 would result from LB 543, which would allow for a renewal to be made for up to a three year period rather than annually and a print on demand system for license plates, which would mean that plates would be sent to the registeree directly from the State rather than the Counties housing pre-printed plates, which would result in an overall cost savings. Meanwhile, the Judiciary Committee tackled a range of complex issues, including the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) and the growing dangers to children on social media.

โ€œParental Rights in Social Media Actโ€

On February 6th, I introduced my bill LB383 ,known as the โ€œParental Rights in Social Media Actโ€ This is aimed at strengthening parental rights in relation to minor children’s access to social media platforms. The bill proposes age verification measures for a minor to open a new social media account accompanied by parental permission and parental access to a minor’s account. As we see a continued trend in rising rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among our youth, it is past time to address this issue and give both our children and parents the help they need to rein in the predatory practices and harmful effects of social media platforms.

The bill has received widespread support. Opponents included representatives for big Tech, from outside of our state, as well as the ACLU. One of the big tech representatives actually stated that they did not believe that parents were best suited to monitor their children’s social media accounts! I guess this leaves us to presume that we should continue to just โ€œtrustโ€ big tech companies to do that. What a ridiculous notion, and even more evidence of their addiction to the predatory practices aimed at our children! It is past time we put a stop to the unadulterated access these companies have to our kids.

EID (Electronic Identification) Discussion Continues

Nebraskaโ€™s agriculture industry is vital to our economy, and itโ€™s essential that we protect it from external threats. LB 665 addresses concerns about foreign surveillance of Nebraskaโ€™s livestock herds through electronic identification devices (EIDs). The bill aims to safeguard the industry from security risks while ensuring the privacy of agricultural data.

LB 665 allows producers to voluntarily use EIDs, as long as they are not manufactured by foreign adversaries, ensuring the integrity of Nebraska’s livestock management. As agriculture is the backbone of Nebraska, LB 665 is an important step in defending our agricultural assets. The bill will be heard before the Ag Committee on February 11. Please contact my office with any questions. I also encourage you to contact your senator directly and submit your online comments on LB 665.

In addition to the EID bill, I will also be presenting bills listed below this week.

โ— LB664, known as the Venue Freedom bill. This is particularly helpful to rural Nebraska, allowing us greater access to the State court system to challenge burdensome regulations in our County of residence versus having to travel to Lincoln.

โ— LB666 โ€“ This bill revises the Public Service Commissionโ€™s role under the Rural Communications Sustainability Act to strengthen oversight and support for telecommunications services in underserved rural areas.

โ— LB384 โ€“ This bill requires a majority of elected members of governing bodies from participating political subdivisions attend joint public hearings under the Property Tax Request Act. The aim is to promote accountability, transparency, and public involvement in property tax decisions, which directly impact Nebraska homeowners and businesses.

We appreciate your commitment to staying informed and advocating for policies that impact our communities. Iโ€™m still working hard and advocating for District 43โ€”together, we can continue to make a positive difference!

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Senator Storer