
Superintendent Gets High Marks From Chadron School Board


      Although it won’t formally be presented until next month, the Chadron School Board’s annual evaluation of Superintendent Ginger Meyer shows they’re big fans of the second year administrator.

      The board members each read off their scores for Meyer in 7 evaluation areas, using a 0-4 scale, and she received nearly all 3s and 4s

     Board President Tom Menke will organize and print up the results for official action next month. He’s pleased with both the evaluation process and with the way Meyer does her job.

Multiple board members said on multiple categories that they were giving 3s instead of 4s because the pandemic had delayed full implementation of some of Meyer’s plans. 

      Menke thinks Meyer and the entire school community deserves a lot of praise for how well the Chadron Public Schools have handled the challenges of the pandemic.

Meyer was given a single 2 in culture with Tye Pourier explaining that with the uncertainties caused by the pandemic, he wouldn’t give any superintendent anywhere more than a 2 in that area..