
Suspicious Envelope Found at Secretary of State Office


From the Office of the Nebraska Secretary of State

During our routine mail collection this morning, the Secretary of State Elections Division received an envelope that our staff identified as suspicious. The unopened envelope was isolated in a separate area in our office in accordance with established protocols.

Staff immediately contacted the Nebraska State Patrol, who requested additional assistance from Lincoln Fire and Rescue and the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department.

During their investigation authorities identified a substance in the envelope, which was tested and found to be non-hazardous. Authorities will turn over the envelope and its contents to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Postal Service authorities. No one was harmed during the handling of the envelope and subsequent investigation.

The Elections Division has notified county election offices advising them to be aware of suspicious mail and to use extra precaution.

โ€œThe situation was quickly and safely resolved thanks to the swift action taken by our staff members, law enforcement and other first responders,โ€ Secretary Evnen.