
The True Meaning And Cause Of Inflation


By Ruel Danner

Ask the average person what the word inflation and its cause is and most say its rising costs in everything pertaining to life and the cause is either too much government spending or just the natural part of life. Neither are true!

The true definition of inflation is the increase in the money supply with added interest attached to it. This means the more government or anyone goes into debt, interest always grows too! Since America is trillions of โ€œdollarsโ€ in debt, the cost of servicing the debt gets bigger and bigger thus the value of oneโ€™s purchase power goes down. The seeming increase of costs in products and services are not that they went up in cost but that the value of money has gone down. Most have the idea prices are always going higher but in reality, purchasing power just goes down making it more difficult to get goods and services that they need!

When the Constitution of the United States was penned, the founding fathers knew the dangers of privatizing and outsourcing money creation to a select few. Therefore, to ensure a republic form of government they wrote;
Article I, Section 8, Clause 5: The Congress shall have Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
That means it was exclusive to our government to issue money and regulate its value. It was the governments job to issue money debt free to the public so as they conducted labor, taxes were kept at a minimum and inflation was next to zero. Thatโ€™s the result of a government representing the people and ensuring people could have confidence in their representatives.

What went wrong?

Government decided it no longer wanted to coin money so it outsourced it to a private corporation. The result was citizens became forced to service an ever increasing interest payment on debt from borrowed money. Now in order to get money whether by labor, grant, social programs etc. one must pay interest in the form of taxes.

Ask the question, if government can issue money debt free why would it borrow it and with interest? This doesnโ€™t make sense!

Would it be logical to borrow something with interest if you already owned it? If you owned a lawnmower would you go ask a neighbor to borrow theirs and pay back another as interest? no way! you would be in need of a new lawnmower pretty quick.

We have to understand that ALL money is issued as an interest bearing loan to the public. The cost of servicing the national debt, that loan is getting higher and higher causing people to live unnecessary stressful lives. It causes states and cities to do things they do not like doing. Nobody wins except the one lending all the money! Interest never slows down. People end up doing the desperate things instead of the right thing!

Henry Ford sr. declared
โ€œThe youth who can solve the money question will do more for the world than all the professional soldiers in history.โ€

Henry Ford was and automobile maker but first and foremost understood the constitutional stance on money and always encouraged folks to learn about it.

Money is our problem not inflation, inflation is the symptom of ill monetary policy. Remedy our monetary policy then everything else will fall in line of balance. If we continue to receive all of our money as debt, then its assured nothing will change. If however we switch back to issuing money as a wealth to the people then prosperity will be a certainty.

We have a debt crisis, mental health crisis, drug crisis, Ukraine crisis, housing crisis, hunger crisis and the list goes on and on. Interestingly theyโ€™re all tackled by going deeper into debt and paying interest and no problems are ever solved, in fact just the opposite takes place. More govt jobs and borrowing to spend takes place and interest grows bigger and bigger. The cost to live becomes disastrous!

Money is the root cause of most if not all societal problems. Not healthy money but that issued with interest attached.

To remedy the problem, people must get educated on money, Itโ€™s the lifeblood of a healthy society. People in positions of authority must make money and economics foundational understanding because everything they do has economic ramifications on now and future generations.

The solution to the Inflation problem is switching back to a wealth based monetary system from the debt based system and honoring the United States constitution!