This week was to be the first Ride the Ridge since the founding Outriders group turned over responsibility for the annual event to the Old West Trail Rodeo Board, but instead it has been canceled for this year.
The Rodeo Board says it was looking forward to putting on the Northern Panhandle’s largest horseback trail ride, but recent heavy rains have left them unable to get out and check on the planned route to make sure it could go ahead as planned..
With other unforeseen circumstances that have arisen, board members say they felt the wisest action and best decision was to cancel – even though it’s at the last minute.
They apologize for any inconveniences the cancellation will cause and say they’re reaching out to those who have pre-registered.
The Old West Trail Rodeo Board emphasizes its commitment to Ride the Ridge and encourages all riders to watch for information about next year’s Ride.