
Unicam Committee Hears Testimony On Providing $30-M To Rebuild 4-H Camp


    The Nebraska Legislature’s Natural Resources Committee held a public hearing yesterday on a proposal to use $30-million dollars in state money to rebuild the 4-H camp near Halsey destroyed by last October’s Bovee Fire. 

      Lost to the fire were 16 of the camp’s 17 buildings, including cabins, showers, and the historic lodge that would have been 60 years old this year.

      Supporters told the committee the $30-million dollar request would do far more than just rebuild the 4-H camp.  

     Jeff Yost of the Nebraska Community Foundation said the idea is to expand offerings and amenities to attract more visitors to the Sandhills and generate economic activity. 

Backers said no decisions have been made on whether to rebuild the 4-H camp at the same site or move it to nearby private land adjacent to the Nebraska National Forest.