
Upcoming Forest Moon Walk: Wild for Prescribed Fire and Smokey Bear


The Black Hills National Forest is hosting its third Moon Walk for the season on Saturday, August 17, at 7:00 p.m. at the Victoria Prescribed Fire area.

In celebration of Smokey Bearโ€™s 80th Birthday, join Forest staff for a walk at the Victoria Prescribed Fire area and discover the benefits of fire on the landscape. Land managers burn to reduce the severity and intensity of wildfires by reducing hazardous fuels that feed wildfires. Burning improves the overall forest health by recycling carbon and nutrients into the soil and controlling forest insects. It also increases forage for wildlife, like grass and shrubs, and improves conditions for better wildlife habitat.

To reach the Victoria Prescribed Fire area travel west from Rapid City on Sheridan Lake Road. Go three miles past Dunsmore Road, turn west again onto Victoria Lake Road. Drive approximately one mile on Victoria Lake Road.

Visitors are encouraged to bring binoculars, flashlights, water, and bug repellant and dress for cooler evening temperatures. Long pants and sturdy footwear (hiking boots or athletic shoes) are recommended for your comfort and safety while hiking on uneven terrain. Please arrive early to aid in parking vehicles.

The program may be canceled unexpectedly due to unforeseen reasons such as lightning, high fire danger, wildfire, and other safety reasons beyond control. The program will not be canceled due to rain unless lightning is spotted. If the Moon Walk is canceled in advance due to severe weather forecasted, the notice of cancelation will be placed on the Black Hills National Forest Facebook and Twitter pages. The public is encouraged to check online before heading out to the event.

The Black Hills National Forest, in partnership with Black Hills Parks & Forests Association (BHPFA), is offering Moon Walk Collectorโ€™s Pins at each event for $5.00 each. The sale of lapel pins supports the interpretive and educational efforts across the Forest. The Moon Walk Programs are supported by BHPFA through financial assistance and staffing. BHPFA is a non- profit partner with the U.S. Forest Service.

Learn more about the Black Hills National Forest Moon Walk program.