
VA Soon To Require All Title 38 Employees To Be Vaccinated


     The VA will soon require all healthcare employees who work in or visit VA health facilities or provide direct care to VA clients to be vaccinated. They have 8 weeks to get fully vaccinated.

     VA Secretary Dennis McDonough said in a statement that vaccination is being mandated for Title 38 employees “because it’s the best way to keep Veterans safe, especially as the Delta variant spreads across the country.”

      McDonough said “whenever a Veteran or VA employee sets foot in a VA facility, they deserve to know we have done everything in our power to protect them from COVID-19.        

      Four VA employees, all unvaccinated, have died in recent weeks, at least 3 of them from the Delta variant.    

      Some 60 leading medical and health care organizations recently called for health care facilities to require their workers to get vaccinated.