
WNCC Names New President


      A day after Chadron State College announced its new president, Western Nebraska Community College did the same – selecting Greg Dart, chief campus administrator at Utah State University Eastern in Price, Utah.

     Dart, an all-but-dissertation doctoral candidate in education at Northeastern University, will take over at WNCC later this year. His selection was announced Wednesday at a special WNCC Board meeting.

       Board Chair Lynne Klemke and Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair Karen Anderson both described the selection process as “a daunting task” and they thanked everyone who participated – students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members. 

      Dart was one of the 3 finalists for president who came to the Panhandle earlier this month for visits to all 3 WNCC campuses. 

      Fittingly, Dart began his college education at a community college, earning a 2-year Associate of Science degree from Utah’s Snow College. 

     He also has a BA in Journalism and Public Communications from Alaska-Anchorage, a Master of Education in Instructional Technology degree from Utah State.  

      Dart has been an administrator at Utah State-Eastern since 2012, starting as Director of Enrollment Services, advancing to Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management in 2014, and then Chief Campus Administrator in 2018.

      Before that, he was Vice President for Student Services at Zane State College in Ohio after serving as Associate Professor of Communications and Director of Admissions, Scholarships and Communications at his first alma mater, Snow College.

      WNCC has been without a permanent president since the unexpected resignation of Dr Carmen Simone in June 2021

Former longtime WNCC administrator and retired Lamar Community College President Dr John Marrin has been servincg as Interim President since then.